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Kuća samostalna kuća, Istarska županija, Rovinj

  • Prodaja
  • 650.000
  • 214 m²
  • 2024


Podatki o novogradnji

Kuća samostalna kuća
Šifra oglasa
214 m²
907 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
Istra, Rovinj, okolica,

prodamo to hišo, ki se nahaja v luksuznem ograjenem naselju v manjšem mestu. Prav zaradi lokacije nedaleč od Rovinja in zaradi dobrih prometnih povezav je vsaka lokacija blizu; od Pule do Poreča.

Ta nova hiša je sestavljena iz pritličja in prvega nadstropja s skupno uporabno površino 213,89m2. Vhod v hišo je pokrit, kateremu sledi hodnik, ki odlično povezuje vse dele hiše in vodi do spalnega dela, kjer sta dve sobi z lastno kopalnico, kopalnica s pralnico, stopnišče na zgornji del. nadstropju in končno v prostor, ki dominira nad tlorisom pritličja, kjer se nahaja kuhinja z jedilnico in dnevno sobo. Skozi stekleno steno, ki povezuje zunanjo pokrito teraso in dnevno sobo, je možno enostavno povezati zunanji in notranji prostor. Na terasi je tudi letna kuhinja, v nadaljevanju vrta pa je tudi bazen s prostorom za sončenje. V prvem nadstropju hiše sta dve spalnici, od katerih ima ena izhod na pokrito teraso, obe pa imata svojo kopalnico.
Dvorišče, na katerem se nahaja ta hiša, meri 907 m2 in ima dovolj prostora za številne aktivnosti na prostem, pri vhodnih vratih pa so tri parkirna mesta.

Odlična nova hiša je zaradi odlične prostorske razporeditve lahko idealna družinska hiša na mirni lokaciji in v neposredni bližini vseh dobrin za visoko kvaliteto življenja.
Istria, Rovinj, surroundings,

we are selling this house, which is located in a luxurious gated community in a smaller town. Precisely because of the location not far from Rovinj and due to good traffic connections, every location is close; from Pula to Poreč.

This new house consists of a ground floor and a first floor with a total usable area of 213.89m2. The entrance to the house is covered, which is followed by a corridor that perfectly connects all parts of the house and leads to the sleeping area where there are two rooms with their own bathrooms, a bathroom with a laundry room, a staircase to the upper floor and finally to the space that dominates the floor plan of the ground floor where the kitchen is located with dining room and living room. Through the glass wall that connects the outdoor covered terrace and the living room, it is possible to easily connect the outdoor and indoor spaces. There is also a summer kitchen on the terrace, while there is also a swimming pool with a sunbathing area in the continuation of the garden. On the first floor of the house there are two bedrooms, one of which has access to a covered terrace, while both have their own bathroom.
The yard on which this house is located is 907m2 and has enough space for a large number of outdoor activities, while there are three parking spaces at the entrance gate.

This excellent new house, due to its excellent room layout, can be an ideal family home in a quiet location and in the immediate vicinity of all amenities for a high quality of life.
Istra, Rovinj, okolica,

prodajemo ovu kuću koja se nalazi u sklopu luksuznog zatvorenog naselja u manjem mjestu. Upravo zbog lokacije nedaleko od Rovinj te zbog dobre prometne povezanosti svaka lokacija je blizu; od Pule do Poreča.

Ova nova kuća sastoji se od prizemlja i kata ukupne korisne površine od 213.89m2. Ulaz u kuću je natkriveni na koji se nastavlja hodnik koji odlično spaja sve dijelove kuće te vodi u spavaći dio gdje se nalaze dvije sobe sa vlastitim kupaonicama, kupaonica sa vešerajem, stepenište za gornju etažu te naposljetku u prostor koji dominira tlocrtom prizemlja gdje se nalazi kuhinja sa blagovaonicom i dnevnim boravkom. Preko staklene stijene koja povezuje vanjsku natkrivenu terasu i dnevni boravak omogućeno je lako povezivanje vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora. U sklopu terase nalazi se i ljetna kuhinja dok se u nastavku okućnice nalazi i bazen sa sunčalištem. Na prvom katu kuće nalaze se dvije spavaće sobe od kojih jedna ima izlaz na natkrivenu terasu dok obje imaju vlastitu kupaonicu.
Okućnica na kojoj se nalazi ova kuća iznosi 907m2 te ima dovoljno prostora za velik broj aktivnosti na otvorenom dok su kod ulaznog portuna smještena tri parkirna mjesta.

Ova odlična nova kuća zbog svojeg odličnog rasporeda prostorija može biti idealan obiteljski dom na mirnoj lokaciji a u neposrednoj blizini svih sadržaja za visoku kvalitetu života.
Istria, Rovinj, surroundings,

we are selling this house, which is located in a luxurious gated community in a smaller town. Precisely because of the location not far from Rovinj and due to good traffic connections, every location is close; from Pula to Poreč.

This new house consists of a ground floor and a first floor with a total usable area of 213.89m2. The entrance to the house is covered, which is followed by a corridor that perfectly connects all parts of the house and leads to the sleeping area where there are two rooms with their own bathrooms, a bathroom with a laundry room, a staircase to the upper floor and finally to the space that dominates the floor plan of the ground floor where the kitchen is located with dining room and living room. Through the glass wall that connects the outdoor covered terrace and the living room, it is possible to easily connect the outdoor and indoor spaces. There is also a summer kitchen on the terrace, while there is also a swimming pool with a sunbathing area in the continuation of the garden. On the first floor of the house there are two bedrooms, one of which has access to a covered terrace, while both have their own bathroom.
The yard on which this house is located is 907m2 and has enough space for a large number of outdoor activities, while there are three parking spaces at the entrance gate.

This excellent new house, due to its excellent room layout, can be an ideal family home in a quiet location and in the immediate vicinity of all amenities for a high quality of life.
Istria, Rovinj, surroundings,

we are selling this house, which is located in a luxurious gated community in a smaller town. Precisely because of the location not far from Rovinj and due to good traffic connections, every location is close; from Pula to Poreč.

This new house consists of a ground floor and a first floor with a total usable area of 213.89m2. The entrance to the house is covered, which is followed by a corridor that perfectly connects all parts of the house and leads to the sleeping area where there are two rooms with their own bathrooms, a bathroom with a laundry room, a staircase to the upper floor and finally to the space that dominates the floor plan of the ground floor where the kitchen is located with dining room and living room. Through the glass wall that connects the outdoor covered terrace and the living room, it is possible to easily connect the outdoor and indoor spaces. There is also a summer kitchen on the terrace, while there is also a swimming pool with a sunbathing area in the continuation of the garden. On the first floor of the house there are two bedrooms, one of which has access to a covered terrace, while both have their own bathroom.
The yard on which this house is located is 907m2 and has enough space for a large number of outdoor activities, while there are three parking spaces at the entrance gate.

This excellent new house, due to its excellent room layout, can be an ideal family home in a quiet location and in the immediate vicinity of all amenities for a high quality of life.

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

Energetski sertifikat u pripremi

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