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Podatki o lokaciji

Šibensko-kninska županija

Jezera, mjesto pomoraca, ribara i ronioca, smjestila su se na jugoistočnoj strani otoka Murtera koji je s kopnom povezan mostom kod mjesta Tisno. Jezera su uvučena u potkovasti zaljev okružen pitomim brežuljcima. Zbog svog prirodnog položaja, mjesto nije izloženo jakim vjetrovima.

U ovom prekrasnom mjestu na blagoj uzvisini udaljenoj samo 400 metara od mora nalaze se 4 stambene zgrade s bazenom. Svaka zgrada ima 4 stana.

Investicija bi trebala završiti krajem 2023. godine, a puštanje u pogon ožujka 2024.

Kupci imaju mogućnost plaćanja u u tranšama.

Na prvom katu se nalaze dvoetažni apartmani sa prekrasnim pogledom na more, luku i okolicu.

Ovdje imamo dvije spavaće sobe, dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom, kupatilo na prvoj etaži i izlaz na lođu (također pogled na more) a na drugoj etaži je spavaća soba sa svojom kupaonicom, odvojenim wc-om i velika terasa.

U cijenu je uključen dovršen i opremljen stan sa parkirnim mjestom, udjelom u zemljištu i apartman pripremljen za turističko iznajmljivanje.


Pozicija: 1. kat dva nivoa

Površina: 61,33 m2

Cijena sa PDV: 268.318,75 €

Prekrasan pogled na more

Terasa na vrhu zgrade

Nemojte propustiti ovu priliku.

Obratite se nam s povjerenjem.

Damir 00 385 (0)99 733 53 07

Ante 00 385 (0)99 222 30 54

Jezera, a place of sailors, fishermen and divers, is located on the southeastern side of the island of Murter, which is connected to the mainland by a bridge near the town of Tisno. Jezera are tucked into a horseshoe-shaped bay surrounded by gentle hills. Due to its natural location, the place is not exposed to strong winds.

There are 4 apartment buildings with a swimming pool in this beautiful place on a gentle hill just 400 meters from the sea. Each building has 4 apartments.

The investment should finish at the end of 2023, commissioning in March 2024.

Customers make payments in tranches.

On the first floor there are two-level apartments with a beautiful view of the sea, the port and the surrounding area.

Here we have two bedrooms, a living room with akitchen, a bathroom on the first level and an exit to the loggia (also a view of the sea) and on the second level there is a bedroom with its own bathroom , separate toilet and a large terrace.

The price includes a finished and equipped apartment with a parking space, a share in the land and an apartment prepared for tourist rental.


Position: 1st floor two levels

Area: 61,33 m2

Price with VAT: €268.318,75

Beautiful sea view

Roof top terace

Don't miss this opportunity.

Contact us with confidence.

Damir 00 385 (0)99 733 53 07

Ante 00 385 (0)99 222 30 54
Jezera, a place of sailors, fishermen and divers, is located on the southeastern side of the island of Murter, which is connected to the mainland by a bridge near the town of Tisno. Jezera are tucked into a horseshoe-shaped bay surrounded by gentle hills. Due to its natural location, the place is not exposed to strong winds.

There are 4 apartment buildings with a swimming pool in this beautiful place on a gentle hill just 400 meters from the sea. Each building has 4 apartments.

The investment should finish at the end of 2023, commissioning in March 2024.

Customers make payments in tranches.

On the first floor there are two-level apartments with a beautiful view of the sea, the port and the surrounding area.

Here we have two bedrooms, a living room with akitchen, a bathroom on the first level and an exit to the loggia (also a view of the sea) and on the second level there is a bedroom with its own bathroom , separate toilet and a large terrace.

The price includes a finished and equipped apartment with a parking space, a share in the land and an apartment prepared for tourist rental.


Position: 1st floor two levels

Area: 61,33 m2

Price with VAT: €268.318,75

Beautiful sea view

Roof top terace

Don't miss this opportunity.

Contact us with confidence.

Damir 00 385 (0)99 733 53 07

Ante 00 385 (0)99 222 30 54

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

Energetski sertifikat u pripremi