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400 m²
600 m²

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Istarska županija
U okolici Labina na istočnoj strani Istarskog poluotoka nalazi se prekrasno naselje s ukupno 28 vila, svaka od njih opremljena bazenom za uživanje u idiličnom ambijentu. Vile se prodaju u dvije opcije - roh bau izvedbi i "ključ u ruke" fazi, omogućavajući kupcima da odaberu ono što im najviše odgovara.

Postoje dva modela kuća na raspolaganju za kupnju. Prvi je UNI model koji ima oko 220m2 brutto stambenog prostora. Cijena za roh bau fazu iznosi 200.000 eura + PDV, dok je opcija "ključ u ruke" dostupna za 500.000 eura + PDV. Drugi model je DUPLEX s približno 400m2 brutto stambenog prostora, a cijena roh bau faze iznosi 300.000 eura + PDV, dok je opcija "ključ u ruke" dostupna za 750.000 eura + PDV. Svaka parcela na kojoj se kuće nalaze ima površinu od otprilike 500 do 1000m2, što omogućava dovoljno prostora za udoban i prostran dom.

Planirani završetak izgradnje kuća u roh bau fazi je do 09/2022, dok se "ključ u ruke" faza očekuje do 07/2023. Faza ROH BAU uključuje sve osnovne elemente kuće, kao što su "pod krov", limarija, vanjska stolarija, pregradni zidovi, kao i male zidove u okolišu, izgradnju školjke bazena i septičke jame. Ova opcija pruža temelje kuće, ostavljajući prostor za osobne dodatke i prilagodbe prema vlastitim željama.

Naselje je idealno smješteno jer je udaljeno samo 12 kilometara od predivnih plaža i mora, a istovremeno je udaljeno 6 kilometara od grada Labina. To pruža idealnu ravnotežu između mirnog života u prirodi i blizine svih potrebnih sadržaja koje grad nudi.

Ova naselja vila pružaju savršeno mjesto za one koji traže udobnost modernog stanovanja u prekrasnom okruženju Istre, a izbor između roh bau faze i "ključ u ruke" opcije omogućuje svakom kupcu da ostvari svoje snove o idealnom domu.

Podaci i opisi nekretnina informativnog su karaktera te zadržavamo pravo na mogućnost nenamjerne pogreške.
Razgled nekretnine moguć je isključivo uz potpisani Ugovor o posredovanju, u slučaju odluke o kupnji razgledane nekretnine agencijska provizija iznosi 3% + PDV te se naplaćuje prilikom zaključenja Predugovora ili Ugovora o kupoprodaji.
In the vicinity of Labin on the eastern side of the Istrian peninsula, there is a beautiful village with a total of 28 villas, each of them equipped with a swimming pool to enjoy the idyllic setting. Villas are sold in two options - ready-made and turnkey, allowing buyers to choose what suits them best.

There are two model houses available for purchase. The first is the UNI model, which has about 220m2 of gross living space. The price for the Rohbau phase is EUR 200,000 + VAT, while the turnkey option is available for EUR 500,000 + VAT. The second model is a DUPLEX with approximately 400m2 of gross living space, and the price of the raw bau phase is 300,000 euros + VAT, while the "turnkey" option is available for 750,000 euros + VAT. Each plot on which the houses are located has an area of ​​approximately 500 to 1000 m2, which provides enough space for a comfortable and spacious home.

The planned completion of the construction of houses in the rough-in phase is by 09/2022, while the "turnkey" phase is expected by 07/2023. The ROH BAU phase includes all the basic elements of the house, such as "under the roof", sheet metal, external carpentry, partition walls, as well as small walls in the environment, construction of the pool shell and septic tank. This option provides the foundation of the house, leaving room for personal additions and customizations according to one's own preferences.

The settlement is ideally located because it is only 12 kilometers from beautiful beaches and the sea, and at the same time it is 6 kilometers from the town of Labin. This provides an ideal balance between a peaceful life in nature and proximity to all the necessary facilities that the city offers.

These villa settlements provide the perfect place for those looking for the comfort of modern living in the beautiful surroundings of Istria, and the choice between the Rohbau phase and the "turnkey" option allows every buyer to realize their dreams of an ideal home.

Die Daten und Beschreibungen der Eigenschaften dienen nur zu Informationszwecken und wir behalten uns das Recht auf die Möglichkeit unbeabsichtigter Fehler vor.
Eine Besichtigung der Immobilie ist nur mit einem unterschriebenen Vermittlungsvertrag möglich, im Falle einer Entscheidung zum Kauf der besichtigten Immobilie beträgt die Vermittlungsprovision 3 % zzgl. MwSt. und wird bei Abschluss des Vorvertrages bzw. Kaufvertrages erhoben.

I dati e le descrizioni delle proprietà sono solo a scopo informativo e ci riserviamo il diritto alla possibilità di errori involontari.
La visione dell'immobile è possibile solo con accordo di mediazione firmato, in caso di decisione di acquisto dell'immobile visionato la commissione di agenzia è del 3% + IVA e viene addebitata alla conclusione del precontratto o del contratto di compravendita.
In the middle of greenery and guaranteed peace, there is a project of 43 villas in the vicinity of Labin that are currently under construction.

The gross area of ​​this beautiful duplex villa will be 400 m2.
It is sold as a duplex house as a whole, and in nature they are two separate houses, so it offers the future owner the opportunity to use the rest for rent and thus make a return on investment in a shorter time.
The house is for sale in the unfinished phase, and the price includes plumbing, exterior carpentry, partition walls, small walls in the environment, making a pool shell and a septic tank.
There is a possibility of choosing the material in the construction phase, by agreement with the contractor.
The seller also offers the possibility of turnkey purchase.
The construction of the houses is planned for the Roh bau phase until 09/2022 and the turnkey phase until 07/2023

DUPLEX approx. 400m2 of gross living space, the price of the unfinished phase is 270,000 euros + VAT, while the "turnkey" is 640,000 euros + VAT

We are at your disposal for all questions, as well as for the date of the tour of the plots and the started construction.

Data and descriptions of properties are for informational purposes only, and we reserve the right to the possibility of unintentional errors.
Viewing the property is only possible with a signed mediation agreement, in the case of a decision to purchase the viewed property, the agency commission is 3% + VAT and is charged at the conclusion of the pre-contract or purchase agreement.

Slični oglasi

Istarska županija, Labin
  • kuće samostalna kuća
  • 1876
  • 400 m²
  • 1.000 m²
  • 2022
  • 8
Istarska županija, Ližnjan, Valtura
  • kuće samostalna kuća
  • 577313
  • 400 m²
  • 400 m²
  • 2024
  • 4
  • 3
Istarska županija, Buje
  • kuće samostalna kuća
  • iro-14
  • 399 m²
  • 387 m²
  • 2004
  • 4
  • 2
  • 4
Istarska županija, Buzet, Roč
  • kuće samostalna kuća
  • IS1507794
  • 420 m²
  • 1.300 m²
  • 1960
  • 8
  • 3
  • 8
Istarska županija, Buzet, Roč
  • kuće samostalna kuća
  • IS1508728
  • 405 m²
  • 550 m²
  • 2016
  • 4
  • 6
  • 6
980.000 €
Istarska županija, Buzet, Hum
  • kuće samostalna kuća
  • 21259
  • 400 m²
  • 5
  • 1
  • 6