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Stanovi dvosoban
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120 m²
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Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Prodamo atraktivno stanovanje z bazenom v naselju Mimice. Nahaja se v visokem pritličju novozgrajene luksuzne stanovanjske hiše. Ima skupno površino 120,68 m2 in je sestavljena iz kuhinje in jedilnice, dnevne sobe, spalnice, kopalnice, dveh stranišč, hodnika, shrambe 18,62 m2 in prostorne terase 24 m2 z neposrednim dostopom do skupni bazen, ki ga uporabljajo vsi najemniki stavbe. Apartma je južno orientiran in ima lep pogled na morje in otoke. Je moderno opremljeno, klimatizirano in se kot tako prodaja. Ta prostor je bil včasih kavarna, a so ga preuredili v stanovanje. Parkirišče je pred objektom, obstaja možnost nakupa garažnega mesta.

Gradnja nepremičnine je potekala po najvišjih standardih, uporabljeni so bili vrhunski materiali in oprema, kot so vrhunska toplotna, hidro in zvočna izolacija, prvovrstne keramične ploščice, stopnice z 10 cm debelo izolacijo iz kamene volne, »Professional- Grade" prezračevanje po vseh prostorih, protivlomna vhodna vrata. Posebnost tega objekta je, da ima tudi skupni bazen in jacuzzi ter ločen prostor, ki služi kot pralnica.

Oddaljenost od plaže in morja je približno 100 m. Vsi potrebni objekti so v bližini. Odlična naložba za turizem!
An attractive apartment with a swimming pool in Mimice is for sale. It is located on the high ground floor of a newly built luxury apartment building. It has a total area of 120.68 m2 and consists of a kitchen and dining room, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, two toilets, a hallway, a storage room of 18.62 m2 and a spacious terrace of 24 m2 with direct access to the shared pool used by all tenants of the building. The apartment is south-oriented and has a beautiful view of the sea and the islands. It is modernly furnished, air-conditioned, and is for sale as such. This space used to be a coffee bar, but it was converted into an apartment. The parking lot is in front of the building, and there is an option to buy a garage space.

The construction of the property followed the highest standards, and top-quality materials and equipment were used, such as top-quality thermal, hydro and sound insulation, first-class ceramic tiles, stairs with 10 cm thick stone wool insulation, "Professional-Grade" ventilation throughout all rooms, anti-burglary entry door. The special feature of this building is that it also contains a shared pool and jacuzzi, and a separate room that serves as a laundry room.

The distance to the beach and the sea is approximately 100 m. All necessary facilities are nearby. Great investment for tourism!
Prodaje se atraktivan apartman s bazenom u Mimicama. Nalazi se u visokom prizemlju luksuzne apartmanske zgrade novije gradnje. Ima ukupnu površinu od 120,68 m2, a sastoji se od kuhinje i blagovaonice, dnevnog boravka, spavaće sobe, kupaonice, dva toaleta, hodnika, ostave od 18,62 m2 i prostrane terase od 24 m2 s koje se direktno izlazi na zajednički bazen koji koriste svi stanari zgrade. Apartman je južno orijentiran i ima lijep pogled na more i otoke. Moderno je namješten, klimatiziran, te se takav i prodaje. Nekad ovaj prostor bio caffe bar, ali je preuređen u apartman. Parking se nalazi ispred zgrade,a postoji opcija kupnje garažnog mjesta.

Gradnja nekretnine ja pratila najviše standarde,a korišteni su vrhunski materijali i oprema kao što su vrhunska toplinska, hidro i zvučna izolacija, prvoklasne keramičke pločice, stubišta s izolacijom od kamene vune debljine 10 cm, “Professional-Grade” ventilacija kroz sve prostorije, protuprovalna ulazna vrata. Posebnost ove zgrade je u tome da također sadrži zajednički bazen i jacuzzi, te odvojenu prostoriju koja služi kao vešeraj.

Udaljenost do plaže i mora je otprilike 100 m. Svi potrebni sadržaji su u blizini. Odlična investicija za turizam!
An attractive apartment with a swimming pool in Mimice is for sale. It is located on the high ground floor of a newly built luxury apartment building. It has a total area of 120.68 m2 and consists of a kitchen and dining room, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, two toilets, a hallway, a storage room of 18.62 m2 and a spacious terrace of 24 m2 with direct access to the shared pool used by all tenants of the building. The apartment is south-oriented and has a beautiful view of the sea and the islands. It is modernly furnished, air-conditioned, and is for sale as such. This space used to be a coffee bar, but it was converted into an apartment. The parking lot is in front of the building, and there is an option to buy a garage space.

The construction of the property followed the highest standards, and top-quality materials and equipment were used, such as top-quality thermal, hydro and sound insulation, first-class ceramic tiles, stairs with 10 cm thick stone wool insulation, "Professional-Grade" ventilation throughout all rooms, anti-burglary entry door. The special feature of this building is that it also contains a shared pool and jacuzzi, and a separate room that serves as a laundry room.

The distance to the beach and the sea is approximately 100 m. All necessary facilities are nearby. Great investment for tourism!
Eine attraktive Wohnung mit Swimmingpool in Mimice steht zum Verkauf. Es befindet sich im Hochparterre eines neu errichteten Luxusapartmentgebäudes. Es hat eine Gesamtfläche von 120,68 m2 und besteht aus einer Küche und einem Esszimmer, einem Wohnzimmer, einem Schlafzimmer, einem Badezimmer, zwei Toiletten, einem Flur, einem Abstellraum von 18,62 m2 und einer großzügigen Terrasse von 24 m2 mit direktem Zugang der von allen Mietern des Gebäudes genutzte Gemeinschaftspool. Die Wohnung ist nach Süden ausgerichtet und bietet einen schönen Blick auf das Meer und die Inseln. Es ist modern eingerichtet, klimatisiert und steht als solches zum Verkauf. Dieser Raum war früher eine Kaffeebar, wurde aber in eine Wohnung umgewandelt. Der Parkplatz befindet sich vor dem Gebäude und es besteht die Möglichkeit, einen Garagenplatz zu kaufen.

Beim Bau des Anwesens wurden höchste Standards eingehalten und hochwertige Materialien und Geräte verwendet, wie z. B. erstklassige Wärme-, Wasser- und Schalldämmung, erstklassige Keramikfliesen, Treppen mit 10 cm dicker Steinwollisolierung, „professionelle hochwertige Belüftung in allen Räumen, einbruchhemmende Eingangstür. Das Besondere an diesem Gebäude ist, dass es auch einen Gemeinschaftspool und einen Whirlpool sowie einen separaten Raum enthält, der als Waschküche dient.

Die Entfernung zum Strand und zum Meer beträgt ca. 100 m. Alle notwendigen Einrichtungen sind in der Nähe. Großartige Investition für den Tourismus!

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

Energetski sertifikat u pripremi