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Stanovi četvorosoban
Šifra oglasa
158 m²

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Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Prodamo luksuzno novo stanovanje v centru Makarske s pogledom na morje. Nahaja se v manjši urbani vili z dvigalom s skupno šestimi stanovanji v štirih etažah. Projekt je v gradnji, zaključek gradnje in vselitev pa je predvidena v začetku poletja 2025.

Stanovanje S6 s površino 158,18 m2 zavzema celotno tretje nadstropje. Notranjost tega apartmaja ima tri spalnice, od katerih imata dve lastni kopalnici, medtem ko si tretja soba za goste deli kopalnico z dnevno sobo. Apartma ima ločeno pralnico, shrambo, kuhinjo, dnevno sobo s kaminom in jedilnico, ki tvori edinstven prostor s panoramskim pogledom na morje. Iz dnevne sobe je izhod na pokrito teraso 44,31 m2, kjer je priprava za postavitev hidromasažne kadi s prostorom za sončenje in zunanjo kuhinjo.

Detajli notranje opreme so skrbno načrtovani, pri gradnji pa so uporabljeni kvalitetni materiali in oprema, kot so kvalitetna zvočna in toplotna izolacija objekta, fasada iz naravnega travertina, velike odprtine, steklene ograje brez robov na terasah, visoke -v vseh prostorih je vgrajen kvaliteten troslojni parket - hrvaška proizvodnja, vsaka soba, tako kot dnevna soba, ima lastno klimo, led razsvetljavo, kopalnice so kompletno opremljene in vgrajeno talno gretje, vgrajene so klopi. tuš kabine, v kopalnicah in na terasah pa so nameščene prvovrstne italijanske ploščice. Na vhodu bodo vgrajena protivlomna vrata. Možen nakup dva zunanja parkirnega mesta.

Urbana vila se nahaja v centru Makarske, v bližini šole in vrtca.
A luxurious new apartment for sale in the center of Makarska with a sea view. It is located in a smaller urban villa with a lift with a total of six apartments spread over four floors. The project is under construction, and completion of construction and move-in is planned for the beginning of summer 2025.

Apartment S6 with an area of 158.18 m2 occupies the entire third floor. The interior of this apartment has three bedrooms, two of which have their own bathrooms, while the third guest room shares a bathroom with the living room. The apartment has a separate laundry room, a storage room, a kitchen, a living room with a fireplace and a dining room that form a unique space with a panoramic view of the sea. From the living room there is access to a covered terrace of 44.31 m2, where there is preparation for the installation of a hydromassage tub with a sunbathing area and an outdoor kitchen.

The details of the interior are carefully planned, and during the construction, quality materials and equipment are used, such as high-quality sound and thermal insulation of the building, natural travertine facade, large openings, glass fences without edges on the terraces, high-quality three-layer parquet is installed in all rooms - Croatian production, each room, as well as the living room, has its own air conditioner, LED lighting, the bathrooms are fully equipped and underfloor heating is installed, benches are installed in the shower cabins, and first-class Italian tiles are installed in the bathrooms and on the terraces. An anti-burglary door will be installed at the entrance. It is possible to purchase two outdoor parking spaces.

The urban villa is located in the center of Makarska, near the school and kindergarten.
Prodaje se luksuzan novi stan u centru Makarske s pogledom na more. Nalazi se u manjoj urbanoj vili s liftom s ukupno šest stanova koji se protežu na četiri etaže. Projekt je u gradnji, a završetak gradnje i useljenje planira se početkom ljeta 2025. godine.

Stan S6 površine 158,18 m2 zauzima cijeli treći kat. Unutarnji prostor ovog stana ima tri spavaće sobe od kojih dvije sa svojim vlastitim kupaonicama, dok treća soba za goste dijeli kupaonicu s dnevnim boravkom. Stan ima odvojenu prostoriju za pranje veša, spremište, te kuhinju, dnevni boravak s kaminom i blagovaonu koji tvore jedan jedinstveni prostor s panoramskim pogledom na more. Iz dnevnog boravka izlazi se na natkrivenu terasu površine 44,31 m2 gdje je postoji priprema za ugradnju hidromasažne kade sa sunčalištem i vanjske kuhinje.

Detalji unutarnjeg uređenja pažljivo su planirani, a pri gradnji se koriste kvalitetni materijali i oprema kao što su visoko kvalitetna zvučna i toplinska izolacija zgrade, fasada od prirodnog travertina, veliki otvori, staklene ograde bez ruba na terasama, u sve prostorije se postavlja kvalitetni troslojni parket hrvatske proizvodnje, svaka soba, kao i dnevni boravak imaju svoj klima uređaj, LED rasvjeta, kupaonice su potpuno opremljene i ugrađuje se podno grijanje, u tuš kabinama se ugrađuju klupice, a u kupaonice i na terase postavljaju se prvoklasne talijanske pločice. Na ulazu će biti ugrađena protuprovalna vrata. Postoji mogućnost kupnje dva vanjska parkirna mjesta.

Urbana villa nalazi se u centru Makarske, u blizini škole i vrtića.
A luxurious new apartment for sale in the center of Makarska with a sea view. It is located in a smaller urban villa with a lift with a total of six apartments spread over four floors. The project is under construction, and completion of construction and move-in is planned for the beginning of summer 2025.

Apartment S6 with an area of 158.18 m2 occupies the entire third floor. The interior of this apartment has three bedrooms, two of which have their own bathrooms, while the third guest room shares a bathroom with the living room. The apartment has a separate laundry room, a storage room, a kitchen, a living room with a fireplace and a dining room that form a unique space with a panoramic view of the sea. From the living room there is access to a covered terrace of 44.31 m2, where there is preparation for the installation of a hydromassage tub with a sunbathing area and an outdoor kitchen.

The details of the interior are carefully planned, and during the construction, quality materials and equipment are used, such as high-quality sound and thermal insulation of the building, natural travertine facade, large openings, glass fences without edges on the terraces, high-quality three-layer parquet is installed in all rooms - Croatian production, each room, as well as the living room, has its own air conditioner, LED lighting, the bathrooms are fully equipped and underfloor heating is installed, benches are installed in the shower cabins, and first-class Italian tiles are installed in the bathrooms and on the terraces. An anti-burglary door will be installed at the entrance. It is possible to purchase two outdoor parking spaces.

The urban villa is located in the center of Makarska, near the school and kindergarten.
Eine luxuriöse neue Wohnung zum Verkauf im Zentrum von Makarska mit Meerblick. Es befindet sich in einer kleineren Stadtvilla mit Aufzug mit insgesamt sechs Wohnungen verteilt auf vier Etagen. Das Projekt befindet sich im Bau, die Fertigstellung und der Einzug sind für Anfang Sommer 2025 geplant.

Die Wohnung S6 mit einer Fläche von 158,18 m2 nimmt die gesamte dritte Etage ein. Das Innere dieser Wohnung verfügt über drei Schlafzimmer, von denen zwei über ein eigenes Badezimmer verfügen, während das dritte Gästezimmer ein Badezimmer mit dem Wohnzimmer teilt. Die Wohnung verfügt über eine separate Waschküche, einen Abstellraum, eine Küche, ein Wohnzimmer mit Kamin und ein Esszimmer, das einen einzigartigen Raum mit Panoramablick auf das Meer bildet. Vom Wohnzimmer aus hat man Zugang zu einer überdachten Terrasse von 44,31 m2, wo Vorbereitungen für die Installation einer Hydromassagewanne mit Liegewiese und einer Außenküche getroffen werden.

Die Details des Innenraums werden sorgfältig geplant und beim Bau werden hochwertige Materialien und Geräte verwendet, wie z. B. hochwertige Schall- und Wärmedämmung des Gebäudes, natürliche Travertin-Fassade, große Öffnungen, Glaszäune ohne Kanten auf den Terrassen, hohe -In allen Räumen ist hochwertiges Dreischichtparkett verlegt - kroatische Produktion, jedes Zimmer sowie das Wohnzimmer verfügen über eine eigene Klimaanlage, LED-Beleuchtung, die Badezimmer sind komplett ausgestattet und Fußbodenheizung ist installiert, im Zimmer sind Bänke installiert Duschkabinen und in den Bädern und auf den Terrassen sind erstklassige italienische Fliesen verlegt. Am Eingang wird eine einbruchhemmende Tür installiert. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, zwei Außenparkplätze zu erwerben.

Die Stadtvilla liegt im Zentrum von Makarska, in der Nähe der Schule und des Kindergartens.

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

Energetski sertifikat u pripremi

Slični oglasi