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Kuće samostalna kuća, Primorsko-goranska žup., Crikvenica

  • Prodaja
  • 1.440.000
  • 345 m²
  • 2023


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Kuće samostalna kuća
Šifra oglasa
345 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Primorsko-goranska žup.
Prodamo novo zgrajeno luksuzno hišo v Crikvenici, le 500 m od morja. Hiša je sestavljena iz kleti, pritličja z izhodom na veliko teraso in vrt z zasebnim bazenom ter prvega nadstropja. V kleti se nahajajo: garaža, kurilnica, WC, konoba, savna s tušem. V pritličju je dnevni prostor s kuhinjo in jedilnico v odprtem konceptu z 12-metrsko stekleno steno višine 2,6 m ter kopalnico, "Walk in" garderobo, pralnico z "umazano kuhinjo", medtem ko je na v prvem nadstropju so štiri spalnice, od tega tri kopalnice, ena master soba z "Walk-in" omaro, kopalnica s prostostoječo kadjo in ložo.
Ta nepremičnina obsega zemljišče v izmeri 722 m2, od tega 345 m2 bruto površine, južna orientacija s pogledom na morje. V vseh prostorih je bila pozornost posvečena detajlom, vključno z električnimi žaluzijami Roltek s senzorjem na daljinsko upravljanje, dvoslojnim parketom (hrast) Galeković, mizarstvom Schuco, ploščicami Hansgrohe, sanitarno keramiko Aquaestil, sobna vrata z nevidnimi zatiči in magnetnimi ključavnicami. . Dodaten poudarek je na udobju in energetski učinkovitosti. Hiša je opremljena s sistemom talnega ogrevanja v vseh prostorih preko toplotne črpalke Daikin in kanalskih klimatskih naprav Daikin z difuzorji.
Nepremičnina je obdana s prostornim vrtom, ki vključuje bazen velikosti 9x3,5 m in nudi dovolj prostora za različne dejavnosti na prostem. Predvidena je odprta površina s tremi parkirnimi mesti in garažo.
Prodamo po sistemu "ključ v roke", v ceno je vključena sanitarna keramika, keramika, urejen vrt. Predviden zaključek izvedenih del je avgusta 2023.
There is a newly built luxury house for sale in Crikvenica, just 500 m from the sea. The house consists a basement (cellar), a ground floor with access to a large terrace and garden with a private pool and a first floor. The basement includes: a garage, boiler room, toilet, tavern and sauna with shower. On the ground floor there is open concept living room with kitchen and dining room that has a 12 m glass wall that is 2.6 m high, a bathroom, "Walk-in" wardrobe, and laundry room/dirty kitchen. On the first floor there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, while on the first floor there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, one of which is a master bedroom with a walk-in closet, a bathroom with a free-standing bathtub and a loggia.
This property covers a property of 722 m2, of which 345 m2 has a gross area, on the south there is a view of the sea. Attention was paid to details in all of the rooms including Roltek electric blinds that are sensor-controlled by remote control, two-layer parquet (oak) Galeković, Schuco carpentry, Hansgrohe tiles, Aquaestil sanitation, magnetic locks without visible studs. Additional emphasis is placed on comfort and energy efficiency. The house is equipped with a floor heating system in all rooms via a Daikin heat pump with diffusers.
The property is surrounded by a spacious garden that includes a swimming pool measuring 9x3.5 m and also provides enough space for various outdoor activities. There is an open area with three parking spaces and a garage.
It is sold according to the "turnkey" system, the price includes sanitary wares, ceramics and a finished landscaped garden. The completed end of works is anticipated to be in the end of August 2023.
Prodaje se novoizgrađena luksuzna kuća u Crikvenici, na samo 500 m od mora. Kuća se sastoji od suterena (podruma), prizemlja,s izlazom na veliku terasu i okućnicu s privatnim bazenom te kata. U suterenu su predviđeni: garaža, kotlovnica, toalet, konoba, sauna s tušem. U prizemlju je dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i blagovaonom u otvorenom konceptu s 12 metarskom staklenom stijenom visine 2.6 m, te kupaonicom, "Walk in" garderobom, vešerajem s "dirty kitchen", dok se na katu nalaze četiri spavaće sobe, tri kupaonice od toga jedna Master soba sa "Walk-in" ormarom, kupaonom sa samostojećom kadom i lođa.
Ova nekretnina prostire se na posjedu od 722 m2 od čega ima 345 m2 bruto površine, južne orijentacije s pogledom na more. U svim prostorijama se pazilo na detalje, uključujući Roltek žaluzine na struju sa senzorom koji se upravljaju putem daljinskog upravljača, dvoslojni parket (hrast) Galeković, stolarija Schuco, Hansgrohe špine, Aquaestil sanitarija, sobna vrata sa nevidljivim štokom te magnetnim bravama. Dodatni naglasak stavljen je na udobnost i energetsku učinkovitost. Kuća je opremljena sustavom podnog grijanja kroz sve prostorije preko dizalice topline Daikin te kanalnim Daikin klimama sa difuzorima.
Nekretnina je okružena prostranom okućnicom koja uključuje i bazen dimenzija 9x3,5 m te uz to još pruža dovoljno prostora za različite aktivnosti na otvorenom. Predviđen je otvoreni prostor s tri parking mjesta te garažom.
Prodaje se po sistemu "ključ u ruke", u cijenu su uključene sanitarije, keramika, uređena okućnica. Predviđeni kraj završih radova je u kolovozu 2023.
There is a newly built luxury house for sale in Crikvenica, just 500 m from the sea. The house consists a basement (cellar), a ground floor with access to a large terrace and garden with a private pool and a first floor. The basement includes: a garage, boiler room, toilet, tavern and sauna with shower. On the ground floor there is open concept living room with kitchen and dining room that has a 12 m glass wall that is 2.6 m high, a bathroom, "Walk-in" wardrobe, and laundry room/dirty kitchen. On the first floor there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, while on the first floor there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, one of which is a master bedroom with a walk-in closet, a bathroom with a free-standing bathtub and a loggia.
This property covers a property of 722 m2, of which 345 m2 has a gross area, on the south there is a view of the sea. Attention was paid to details in all of the rooms including Roltek electric blinds that are sensor-controlled by remote control, two-layer parquet (oak) Galeković, Schuco carpentry, Hansgrohe tiles, Aquaestil sanitation, magnetic locks without visible studs. Additional emphasis is placed on comfort and energy efficiency. The house is equipped with a floor heating system in all rooms via a Daikin heat pump with diffusers.
The property is surrounded by a spacious garden that includes a swimming pool measuring 9x3.5 m and also provides enough space for various outdoor activities. There is an open area with three parking spaces and a garage.
It is sold according to the "turnkey" system, the price includes sanitary wares, ceramics and a finished landscaped garden. The completed end of works is anticipated to be in the end of August 2023.
Neu gebautes Luxushaus zum Verkauf in Crikvenica, nur 500 m vom Meer entfernt. Das Haus besteht aus einem Keller, einem Erdgeschoss mit Zugang zu einer großen Terrasse und einem Garten mit privatem Pool und einem ersten Stock. Im Keller befinden sich: Garage, Heizraum, Toilette, Taverne (Konoba), Sauna mit Dusche. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es ein Wohnzimmer mit Küche und Esszimmer in einem offenen Konzept mit einer 12 Meter langen Glaswand und einer Höhe von 2,6 m sowie ein Badezimmer, einen „Walk-in“ Kleiderschrank und eine Wäscherei mit „dirty kitchen“. Im ersten Stock befinden sich vier Schlafzimmer, davon drei Badezimmer, ein Hauptschlafzimmer mit „Walk-in“ Kleiderschrank, Badezimmer mit freistehender Badewanne und Loggia.
Diese Immobilie umfasst ein Grundstück von 722 m2, davon 345 m2 Bruttofläche, Südausrichtung mit Meerblick. In allen Räumen wurde auf Details geachtet, darunter elektrische Jalousien von Roltek mit per Fernbedienung gesteuertem Sensor, zweischichtiges Parkett (Eiche) Galeković, Fensterbau Schuco, Hansgrohe-Fliesen, Aquaestil-Sanitär, Zimmertüren mit unsichtbaren Stiften und Magnetschlössern. Zusätzlicher Wert wird auf Komfort und Energieeffizienz gelegt. Das Haus ist in allen Räumen mit einer Fußbodenheizung über eine Daikin-Wärmepumpe und Kanalklimaanlagen von Daikin mit Diffusoren ausgestattet.
Die Immobilie ist von einem großzügigen Garten umgeben, der über einen 9 x 3,5 m großen Swimmingpool verfügt und zudem ausreichend Platz für verschiedene Outdoor-Aktivitäten bietet. Geplant ist eine Freifläche mit drei Stellplätzen und einer Garage.
Der Verkauf erfolgt nach dem „schlüsselfertigen“ System, der Preis beinhaltet Sanitär, Keramik und einen angelegten Garten. Das voraussichtliche Ende der abgeschlossenen Arbeiten ist im August 2023.

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

Energetski sertifikat u pripremi

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