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Kuće duplex
Šifra oglasa
216 m²
godina izgradnje

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Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Veliko Brdo
Prodamo novo moderno vilo z bazenom in čudovitim pogledom na morje v Velikem Brdu nad Makarsko.

Vila se razprostira v kleti, pritličju in nadstropju z notranjo površino 216 m2 in je zgrajena kot vila dvojček na parceli velikosti 692 m2. Klet obsega dve spalnici, dve kopalnici, hodnik, shrambo in strojnico za bazen. V pritličju vile je vhodni prostor, kuhinja, dnevna soba in jedilnica, kopalnica in prostorna terasa z zunanjim bazenom cca 20 m2 in zunanjim kaminom - žarom. V prvem nadstropju je velika spalnica s kopalnico in prostorno strešno teraso z vgrajeno hidromasažno kadjo - jacuzzijem. Orientirano je na jug in ima lep pogled na morje in otoke. Vila je takoj vseljiva, v celoti opremljena z novim pohištvom in se kot taka tudi prodaja.

Pri gradnji so bili uporabljeni visokokakovostni materiali, vgrajene steklene stene s troslojnimi stekli, zunanje PVC pohištvo z električnimi roletami, kvalitetne talne obloge, v pritličju vile vgrajene keramične ploščice s talnim gretjem, v celoti opremljene kopalnice, fasada z vrhunsko toplotno in zvočno izolacijo, klima v vsaki sobi, steklene ograje na balkonih, kamen na terasi v pritličju, TV, satelit, internetna povezava.

Vila ima dve zunanji parkirni mesti in lepo urejen vrt z avtomatskim namakalnim sistemom. Nahaja se na mirni lokaciji v mestu Veliko Brdo, ob vznožju gore Biokovo, cca 1500 m nad mestom Makarska. Idealna je za počitnice in turizem. Obstaja možnost nakupa obeh vil.
New modern villa for sale with a swimming pool and a beautiful view of the sea in Veliko Brdo above Makarska.

The villa extends over the basement, ground floor and first floor with an internal area of 216 m2, and was built as a semi-detached villa on a plot of land of 692 m2. The basement consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a corridor, a storage room and a machine room for the swimming pool. On the ground floor of the villa there is an entrance area, a kitchen, a living room and a dining room, a bathroom and a spacious terrace with an outdoor pool of approx. 20 m2 and an outdoor fireplace - barbecue. On the first floor there is a large bedroom with a bathroom and a spacious roof terrace with a built-in hydro massage bath - Jacuzzi. It is oriented to the south and has a beautiful view of the sea and the islands. The villa is ready for immediate occupancy, fully furnished with new furniture, and is being sold as such.

During the construction, high-quality materials were used, glass walls with three-layer glasses were installed, external PVC carpentry with electric roller blinds, high-quality floor coverings, ceramic tiles with underfloor heating installed on the ground floor of the villa, fully equipped bathrooms, a facade with superior thermal and sound insulation, air conditioning in every room, glass railings on the balconies, stone on the terrace on the ground floor, TV, satellite, Internet connection.

The villa has two outdoor parking spaces and a beautifully landscaped garden with an automatic irrigation system. It is located in a quiet location in Veliko Brdo, under the Biokovo mountain, approx. 1500 m above the town of Makarska. It is ideal for vacation and tourism. There is a possibility to buy both villas.
Prodaje se nova moderna villa s bazenom i lijepim pogledom na more u Velikom Brdu iznad Makarske.

Villa se proteže na suteren, prizemlje i kat unutrašnje površine 216 m2, a izgrađena je kao dvojna villa na zemljištu površine 692 m2. Suteren se sastoji od dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnika, ostave i strojarnica za bazen. U prizemlju ville nalazi se ulazni prostor, kuhinja, dnevni boravak i blagovaonica, kupaonica i prostrana terasa s vanjskim bazenom površine cca 20 m2 i vanjskim kaminom – roštiljem. Na prvom katu je velika spavaće sobe s kupaonicom i prostrana krovna terasa s ugrađenom hidromasažnom kadom – Jacuzzi-jem. Južno je orijentirana i ima lijep pogled na more i otoke. Villa je odmah useljiva, potpuno je namještena novim namještajem, te se takva i prodaje.

Pri gradnji su korišteni visoko kvalitetni materijali, ugrađene su staklene stijene s troslojnim staklima, vanjska PVC stolarija s električnim podizačima roleta, kvalitetne podne obloge, keramičke pločice s postavljenim podnim grijanjem u prizemlju ville, potpuno opremljene kupaonice, fasada s vrhunskom toplinskom i zvučnom izolacijom, klimatizacija u svakoj sobi, staklene ograde na balkonima, kamen na terasi u prizemlju, TV, sat, Internet priključak.

Za villu su predviđena dva vanjska parkirna mjesta i lijepo uređena okućnica s automatskim sistemom navodnjavanja. Nalazi se na mirnoj lokaciji u mjestu Veliko Brdo, u podnožju planine Biokovo, cca 1500 m iznad grada Makarske. Idealna je za odmor i turizam. Postoji mogućnost kupnje obje ville.
New modern villa for sale with a swimming pool and a beautiful view of the sea in Veliko Brdo above Makarska.

The villa extends over the basement, ground floor and first floor with an internal area of 216 m2, and was built as a semi-detached villa on a plot of land of 692 m2. The basement consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a corridor, a storage room and a machine room for the swimming pool. On the ground floor of the villa there is an entrance area, a kitchen, a living room and a dining room, a bathroom and a spacious terrace with an outdoor pool of approx. 20 m2 and an outdoor fireplace - barbecue. On the first floor there is a large bedroom with a bathroom and a spacious roof terrace with a built-in hydro massage bath - Jacuzzi. It is oriented to the south and has a beautiful view of the sea and the islands. The villa is ready for immediate occupancy, fully furnished with new furniture, and is being sold as such.

During the construction, high-quality materials were used, glass walls with three-layer glasses were installed, external PVC carpentry with electric roller blinds, high-quality floor coverings, ceramic tiles with underfloor heating installed on the ground floor of the villa, fully equipped bathrooms, a facade with superior thermal and sound insulation, air conditioning in every room, glass railings on the balconies, stone on the terrace on the ground floor, TV, satellite, Internet connection.

The villa has two outdoor parking spaces and a beautifully landscaped garden with an automatic irrigation system. It is located in a quiet location in Veliko Brdo, under the Biokovo mountain, approx. 1500 m above the town of Makarska. It is ideal for vacation and tourism. There is a possibility to buy both villas.
Neue moderne Villa zum Verkauf mit Swimmingpool und wunderschönem Blick auf das Meer in Veliko Brdo oberhalb von Makarska.

Die Villa erstreckt sich über Keller, Erdgeschoss und Obergeschoss mit einer Innenfläche von 216 m2 und wurde als Doppelhaushälfte auf einem Grundstück von 692 m2 errichtet. Der Keller besteht aus zwei Schlafzimmern, zwei Badezimmern, einem Flur, einem Abstellraum und einem Maschinenraum für den Swimmingpool. Im Erdgeschoss der Villa befinden sich ein Eingangsbereich, eine Küche, ein Wohnzimmer und ein Esszimmer, ein Badezimmer und eine großzügige Terrasse mit einem Außenpool von ca. 20 m2 und einem Außenkamin – Grill. Im ersten Stock gibt es ein großes Schlafzimmer mit Bad und eine großzügige Dachterrasse mit eingebauter Hydromassage-Badewanne – Jacuzzi. Es ist nach Süden ausgerichtet und bietet einen schönen Blick auf das Meer und die Inseln. Die Villa ist sofort bezugsfertig, komplett mit neuen Möbeln ausgestattet und wird als solche verkauft.

Beim Bau wurden hochwertige Materialien verwendet, Glaswände mit Dreischichtgläsern eingebaut, Außentischlerei aus PVC mit elektrischen Rollläden, hochwertige Bodenbeläge, Keramikfliesen mit Fußbodenheizung im Erdgeschoss der Villa komplett verlegt ausgestattete Badezimmer, eine Fassade mit hervorragender Wärme- und Schalldämmung, Klimaanlage in jedem Zimmer, Glasgeländer auf den Balkonen, Stein auf der Terrasse im Erdgeschoss, TV, Satellit, Internetanschluss.

Die Villa verfügt über zwei Außenparkplätze und einen wunderschön angelegten Garten mit automatischem Bewässerungssystem. Es befindet sich in ruhiger Lage in Veliko Brdo, unten des Biokovo-Gebirges, ca. 1500 m oberhalb der Stadt Makarska. Es ist ideal für Urlaub und Tourismus. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, beide Villen zu kaufen.

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