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Stanovi četvorosoban
Šifra oglasa
85 m²

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Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Atraktivno dvonadstropno, trisobno stanovanje 75 m2 v Makarski s fantastičnim panoramskim pogledom na morje in otoke.

Stanovanje se razteza skozi drugo in tretje nadstropje novozgrajene urbane vile in je povezano z notranjimi stopnicami. Spodnjo etažo sestavljajo kuhinja in dnevna soba, jedilnica, kopalnica in južna loža z vgrajeno tendo, v zgornji etaži pa se nahajajo tri spalnice, hodnik in kopalnica. Stanovanje je v celoti opremljeno in opremljeno z luksuznimi materiali zelo visoke kakovosti in se tako tudi prodaja, vsako nadstropje je klimatizirano.

Pogled na morje, otoke in makarsko luko, ki je ni mogoče ograditi, se vidi iz vsakega vogala apartmaja. Skupaj s stanovanjem je naprodaj garsonjera velikosti 16 m2, ki se nahaja v pritličju urbane vile. Je v celoti opremljeno, opremljeno in klimatizirano in se tako tudi prodaja. Apartma se nahaja v bližini centra Makarske, športnih igrišč, trgovskega centra in gozdnega parka Osejava.

Lokacija nepremičnine predstavlja odličen potencial za turizem, kot tudi za celoletno bivanje. Stanovanju pripada tudi zunanje parkirno mesto.
Atraktivan dvoetažni trosoban stan površine 75 m2 u Makarskoj s fantastičnim panoramskim pogledom na more i otoke.

Stan se prostire kroz drugi i treći kat urbane ville novije gradnje, a povezan je unutrašnjim stepenicama. Donja etaža se sastoji od kuhinje i dnevnog boravka, blagovaonice, kupaonice i južno orijentirane lođe s ugrađenom tendom, a tri spavaće sobe, hodnik i kupaonica se nalaze na gornjoj etaži. Stan je kompletno namješten i opremljen luksuznim materijalima vrlo visoke kvalitete, te se kao takav i prodaje, svaka etaža je klimatizirana.

Pogled na more, otoke i Makarsku luku, koji nije moguće zagraditi, se pruža iz svakog kutka stana. Uz stan se prodaje i studio apartman površine 16 m2 a koji se nalazi u prizemlju urbane ville. Potpuno je opremljen, namješten i klimatiziran, te se takav i prodaje. Stan se nalazi u blizini centra Makarske, sportskih terena, trgovačkog centra, i park šume Osejava.

Lokacija nekretnine predstavlja odličan potencijal za turističku djelatnost, kao i za cjelogodišnji boravak. Stanu pripada i vanjsko parkirno mjesto.
Attraktive zweistöckige Wohnung mit drei Schlafzimmern von 75 m2 in Makarska mit fantastischem Panoramablick auf das Meer und die Inseln.

Die Wohnung erstreckt sich über die zweite und dritte Etage einer neu erbauten Stadtvilla und ist durch eine Innentreppe verbunden. Die untere Etage besteht aus einer Küche und einem Wohnzimmer, einem Esszimmer, einem Badezimmer und einer nach Süden ausgerichteten Loggia mit eingebauter Markise, während sich im Obergeschoss drei Schlafzimmer, ein Flur und ein Badezimmer befinden. Die Wohnung ist komplett möbliert und mit luxuriösen Materialien von sehr hoher Qualität ausgestattet und wird als solche verkauft, jede Etage ist klimatisiert.

Der Blick auf das Meer, die Inseln und den Hafen von Makarska, der nicht eingezäunt werden kann, ist von jeder Ecke der Wohnung aus zu sehen. Zusammen mit der Wohnung wird ein Studio-Apartment von 16 m2 verkauft, das sich im Erdgeschoss einer Stadtvilla befindet. Es ist komplett ausgestattet, möbliert und klimatisiert und wird auch so verkauft. Die Wohnung befindet sich nahe dem Zentrum von Makarska, Sportplätzen, einem Einkaufszentrum und dem Waldpark Osejava.

Die Lage des Anwesens stellt ein hervorragendes Potenzial für den Tourismus sowie für einen ganzjährigen Aufenthalt dar. Zur Wohnung gehört auch ein Stellplatz im Freien.
Attractive two-story, three-bedroom apartment of 75 m2 in Makarska with a fantastic panoramic view of the sea and islands.

The apartment extends through the second and third floor of a newly built urban villa, and is connected by internal stairs. The lower floor consists of a kitchen and a living room, a dining room, a bathroom and a south-facing loggia with a built-in awning, while three bedrooms, a hallway and a bathroom are located on the upper floor. The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with luxury materials of very high quality, and is being sold as such, each floor is air-conditioned.

The view of the sea, the islands and the Makarska harbor, which cannot be fenced off, can be seen from every corner of the apartment. Along with the apartment, a studio apartment of 16 m2 is for sale, which is located on the ground floor of an urban villa. It is fully equipped, furnished and air-conditioned, and is being sold as such. The apartment is located near the center of Makarska, sports fields, a shopping center, and the Osejava forest park.

The location of the property represents an excellent potential for tourism, as well as for a year-round stay. The apartment also has an outdoor parking space.
Attractive two-story, three-bedroom apartment of 75 m2 in Makarska with a fantastic panoramic view of the sea and islands.

The apartment extends through the second and third floor of a newly built urban villa, and is connected by internal stairs. The lower floor consists of a kitchen and a living room, a dining room, a bathroom and a south-facing loggia with a built-in awning, while three bedrooms, a hallway and a bathroom are located on the upper floor. The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with luxury materials of very high quality, and is being sold as such, each floor is air-conditioned.

The view of the sea, the islands and the Makarska harbor, which cannot be fenced off, can be seen from every corner of the apartment. Along with the apartment, a studio apartment of 16 m2 is for sale, which is located on the ground floor of an urban villa. It is fully equipped, furnished and air-conditioned, and is being sold as such. The apartment is located near the center of Makarska, sports fields, a shopping center, and the Osejava forest park.

The location of the property represents an excellent potential for tourism, as well as for a year-round stay. The apartment also has an outdoor parking space.

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

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