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Podatki o novogradnji

Stanovi četvorosoban
Šifra oglasa
109 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
Prodamo luksuzna stanovanja v novogradnji v mirni soseski nedaleč od morja in mesta, v stavbi s petimi stanovanjskimi enotami.

Skupaj se gradijo trije enaki objekti. Stanovanja se prodajajo brez pohištva, vendar s kvalitetno opremo in materiali. Prostori so obloženi s parketom, preostali del stanovanja pa s keramiko, sanitarno keramiko Catalano in armaturo Hansgrohe-Geberit. Ogrevanje je urejeno preko klime in talnega gretja. Mizarstvo je alu.

Apartma 5 se nahaja v prvem in drugem nadstropju. Sestavljeno je iz hodnika, kuhinje, jedilnice, dnevne sobe z izhodom na balkon, treh spalnic, vsaka ima svojo kopalnico, WC-ja, notranje stopnice pa vodijo na strešno teraso, ki jo lahko uporablja samo to stanovanje in iz katere je je odprt pogled na morje.. Skupna površina je 109,39 m2 + 4 balkoni in terasa 43,23 m2 ter strešna terasa 124,36 m2 (skupna uporabna površina 280,84 m2). Stanovanju pripadata dve parkirni mesti.
Glede na lokacijo in koncept naselja odlična priložnost za investitorje ali družine.
Prodaju se luksuzni stanovi u novogradnji u mirnom naselju nedaleko od mora i grada, u zgradi s pet stambenih jedinica.

Ukupno se grade tri iste zgrade. Stanovi se prodaju bez namještaja, ali sa kvalitetnom opremom i materijalima. Sobe su obložene parketom, a ostatak stana s keramikom, sanitarije su Catalano te armature Hansgrohe-Geberit. Grijanje je regulirano putem klima uređaja i podnog grijanja. Stolarija je aluminijska. Na terasama će biti ugrađena staklena ograda.

Stan 5 se nalazi na prvom i drugom katu. Sastoji se od hodnika, kuhinje, blagovaone, dnevnog boravka s izlaskom na balkon, tri spavaće sobe svaka sa svojom kupaonicom, WC-a, dok se unutarnjim stepenicama ide na krovnu terasu koju može koristiti samo taj stan i s koje se pruža otvoreni pogled na more. Ukupna površina je 109,39 m2 + 4 balkona i terasa 43,23 m2 te 124,36 m2 krovna terasa (ukupno korisnog prostora od 280,84 m2). Stanu pripadaju i dva parkirna mjesta.
Obzirom na lokaciju i koncept naselja, odlična prilika za investitore ili za obitelji.
Luxuswohnungen zum Verkauf in einem Neubau in einer ruhigen Gegend, nicht weit vom Meer und der Stadt entfernt, in einem Gebäude mit fünf Wohneinheiten.

Insgesamt werden drei baugleiche Gebäude errichtet. Wohnungen werden ohne Möbel verkauft, aber mit hochwertiger Ausstattung und Materialien. Die Zimmer sind mit Parkett ausgelegt, der Rest der Wohnung mit Keramik, Sanitärkeramik von Catalano und Armaturen von Hansgrohe-Geberit. Die Heizung wird durch Klimaanlage und Fußbodenheizung reguliert. Die Tischlerei ist aus Aluminium.

Wohnung 5 befindet sich im ersten und zweiten Stock. Es besteht aus Diele, Küche, Esszimmer, Wohnzimmer mit Zugang zum Balkon, drei Schlafzimmer mit jeweils eigenem Bad, WC, während die Innentreppe zur Dachterrasse führt, die nur von dieser Wohnung genutzt werden kann und von der aus es dorthin geht ist ein freier Blick auf das Meer. . Die Gesamtfläche beträgt 109,39 m2 + 4 Balkone und eine Terrasse von 43,23 m2 und eine Dachterrasse von 124,36 m2 (Gesamtnutzfläche von 280,84 m2). Zur Wohnung gehören zwei Pkw-Stellplätze.
In Anbetracht der Lage und des Konzepts der Siedlung eine großartige Gelegenheit für Investoren oder für Familien.
Luxury apartments for sale in a new building in a quiet neighborhood not far from the sea and the city, in a building with five residential units.

In total, three identical buildings are being built. Apartments are sold without furniture, but with quality equipment and materials. The rooms are covered with parquet, and the rest of the apartment with ceramics, sanitary ware by Catalano, and fittings by Hansgrohe-Geberit. Heating is regulated through air conditioning and underfloor heating. The carpentry is aluminum.
Apartment 5 is located on the first and second floors. It consists of a hallway, kitchen, dining room, living room with access to the balcony, and three bedrooms each with its bathroom, and toilet, while the internal stairs lead to the roof terrace that can only be used by that apartment and from which there is an open view of the sea. . The total area is 109.39 m2 + 4 balconies and a terrace of 43.23 m2 and a 124.36 m2 roof terrace (total useful space of 280.84 m2). Two parking spaces belong to the apartment.
Considering the location and concept of the settlement, a great opportunity for investors or families.
Luxury apartments for sale in a new building in a quiet neighborhood not far from the sea and the city, in a building with five residential units.

In total, three identical buildings are being built. Apartments are sold without furniture, but with quality equipment and materials. The rooms are covered with parquet, and the rest of the apartment with ceramics, sanitary ware by Catalano, and fittings by Hansgrohe-Geberit. Heating is regulated through air conditioning and underfloor heating. The carpentry is aluminum.

Apartment 5 is located on the first and second floors. It consists of a hallway, kitchen, dining room, living room with access to the balcony, and three bedrooms each with its bathroom, and toilet, while the internal stairs lead to the roof terrace that can only be used by that apartment and from which there is an open view of the sea. . The total area is 109.39 m2 + 4 balconies and a terrace of 43.23 m2 and a 124.36 m2 roof terrace (total useful space of 280.84 m2). Two parking spaces belong to the apartment.
Considering the location and concept of the settlement, a great opportunity for investors or families.

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

Energetski sertifikat u pripremi

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