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Kuće drugo
Šifra oglasa
337 m²
800 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
V neposredni bližini centra Medulina že prodamo hišo, ki je še v gradnji (trenutno je dokončan lupina objekta)
Hišo je zgradil zanesljiv in ugleden investitor.

Hiša ima štiri etaže:
kletna garaža po načrtu,
Stanovanje približno 100 m2 z veliko teraso
1. nadstropje: Stanovanje kot v pritličju, 90 m2 z dvema balkonoma.
Zgornje nadstropje cca 37 m2, kjer prevladujejo tri pokrite terase, na katerih bi se lahko zgradila letna kuhinja ali wellness.

Dokumentacija je izdelana po najnovejših gradbenih standardih in pravilih.

Možni sta 2 možnosti nakupa:

- Kupi zdaj
- Nakup po dokončanju in prevzemu objektov
U neposrednoj blizini centra Medulina, prodajemo sagrađenu kuću u Roh-Bau .
Kuću je gradio poznati investitor.

Kuća je sa četri etaže: podrumske prostorije - po projektu garaže, visoko prizemlje, prvi i drugi kat.
Sa zadnjeg kata se pruža otvoreni pogled na mjesto i more.
Visoko prizemlje sa velikom terasom , stan cca 100 m2.
Prvi kat, slićan stan kao u prizemlju, par kvadrata manji sa dvije terase.
Zadnji kat cca 37 m2 gdje dominiraju tri natkrivene terase, gdje je moguće napraviti ljetnju kuhinju i sl.

Dokumentacija uredna . Mogućnost organizacije sa građevinarima za završetak gradnje , ključ u ruke.
In unmittelbarer Nähe des Zentrums von Medulin verkaufen wir bereits jetzt ein sich noch in Bau befindedes Haus (aktuell Roh-Bau fertiggestellt)
Das Haus wurde von einem zuverlässigen und namhaften Investor gebaut.

Das Haus hat vier Stockwerke:
Keller -Garage nach Plan,
Wohnung ca. 100 m2 mit großer Terrasse
1.Stock: Wohnung wie im Erdgeschoss,90 qm mit zwei Balkonen.
Dachgeschoss ca. 37 m2, dominiert von drei überdachten Terrassen, auf denen eventuell eine Sommerküche oder Wellnessbereich gebaut werden können.

Die Dokumentation ist nach neuesten Baustandarten und Regeln erstellt.

Es sind 2 Kaufoptionen möglich:

- Sofortkauf
- Kauf nach komplette Fertigstellung und Abnahme der Gebäude
n the immediate vicinity of the center of Medulin, we are already selling a house that is still under construction (currently shell construction completed)
The house was built by a reliable and reputable investor.

The house has four floors:
basement garage according to plan,
Ground floor:
Apartment about 100 m2 with large terrace
1st floor: Apartment as on the ground floor, 90 sqm with two balconies.
Top floor approx. 37 m2, dominated by three covered terraces on which a summer kitchen or wellness area can be built.

The documentation is created according to the latest building standards and rules.

There are 2 purchase options possible:

- Buy it now
- Purchase after complete completion and acceptance of the buildings
In the immediate vicinity of the center of Medulin, we are already selling a house that is still under construction (currently shell construction completed)
The house was built by a reliable and reputable investor.

The house has four floors:
basement garage according to plan,
Ground floor:
Apartment about 100 m2 with large terrace
1st floor: Apartment as on the ground floor, 90 sqm with two balconies.
Top floor approx. 37 m2, dominated by three covered terraces on which a summer kitchen or wellness area can be built.
The documentation is created according to the latest building standards and rules.

There are 2 purchase options possible:

- Buy it now
- Purchase after complete completion and acceptance of the buildings


Slični oglasi

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Istarska županija, Poreč
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Istarska županija, Poreč
  • kuće drugo
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