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Podatki o novogradnji

Kuće samostalna kuća
Šifra oglasa
310 m²
850 m²

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
V bližini centra Labina je naprodaj družinska hiša s tremi stanovanjskimi enotami.

Hiša s skupno površino 310 m2 z 850 m2 vrta se razprostira v štirih etažah: kleti, pritličju, nadstropju in visokem podstrešju. V pritličju se nahaja ena stanovanjska enota, ki jo sestavljajo predsoba, kuhinja, jedilnica, tri sobe, kopalnica in WC. Druga stanovanjska enota se nahaja v prvem nadstropju in obsega predprostor, kuhinjo, jedilnico, dnevno sobo, dve spalnici, kopalnico in WC. Tretja stanovanjska enota se nahaja v visokem mansardi in obsega: kuhinjo, dnevno sobo, kopalnico in dve spalnici. V kleti hiše se nahaja kurilnica in shramba.

Izjemna lokacija v mirnem delu mesta, le kilometer od centra, naredi to nepremičnino pravo priložnost na trgu.
Family house with three residential units near the center of Labin is for sale.

The house with a total area of 310 m2 with an 850 m2 garden is spread over four floors: basement, ground floor, first floor and high attic. There is one residential unit on the ground floor, consisting of an entrance hall, kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms, bathroom and toilet. The second residential unit is located on the first floor and consists of an entrance hall, kitchen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms, bathroom and toilet. The third residential unit is located in the high attic, and consists of: kitchen, living room, bathroom and two bedrooms. In the basement of the house there is a boiler room and a storage room.

An exceptional location in a quiet part of the city, just a kilometer from the center, makes this property a real opportunity on the market.

Prodaje se obiteljska kuća s tri stambene jedinice u blizini centra grada Labina.

Kuća ukupne površine 310 m2 s 850 m2 okućnice prostire se na četiri etaže: podrum, prizemlje, kat i visoko potkrovlje. U prizemlju se nalazi jedna stambena jedinica, a sastoji se od predsoblja, kuhinje, blagovaonice, tri spavaće sobe, kupaonice i toaleta. Druga stambena jedinica nalazi se na prvom katu, a sastoji se od predsoblja, kuhinje, blagovaonice dnevnog boravka, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonice i toaleta. Treća stambena jedinica smještena je u viskom potkrovlju, a sastoji se od : kuhinje, dnevnog boravka, kupaone i dvije spavaće sobe. U podrumu kuće nalazi se kotlovnica i ostava.

Izuzetna lokacija u mirnom dijelu grada, tek kilometar od samog centra, čini ovu nekretninu pravom prilikom na tržištu.
Family house with three residential units near the center of Labin is for sale.

The house with a total area of 310 m2 with an 850 m2 garden is spread over four floors: basement, ground floor, first floor and high attic. There is one residential unit on the ground floor, consisting of an entrance hall, kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms, bathroom and toilet. The second residential unit is located on the first floor and consists of an entrance hall, kitchen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms, bathroom and toilet. The third residential unit is located in the high attic, and consists of: kitchen, living room, bathroom and two bedrooms. In the basement of the house there is a boiler room and a storage room.

An exceptional location in a quiet part of the city, just a kilometer from the center, makes this property a real opportunity on the market.
Zum Verkauf steht ein Einfamilienhaus mit drei Wohneinheiten nahe dem Zentrum von Labin.

Das Haus mit einer Gesamtfläche von 310 m2 und einem 850 m2 großen Garten erstreckt sich über vier Etagen: Keller, Erdgeschoss, erster Stock und hohes Dachgeschoss. Im Erdgeschoss befindet sich eine Wohneinheit, bestehend aus Vorraum, Küche, Esszimmer, drei Schlafzimmern, Badezimmer und WC. Die zweite Wohneinheit befindet sich im ersten Stock und besteht aus Vorraum, Küche, Esszimmer, Wohnzimmer, zwei Schlafzimmern, Badezimmer und WC. Die dritte Wohneinheit befindet sich im hohen Dachgeschoss und besteht aus: Küche, Wohnzimmer, Badezimmer und zwei Schlafzimmern. Im Keller des Hauses befinden sich ein Heizraum und ein Abstellraum.

Die außergewöhnliche Lage in einem ruhigen Teil der Stadt, nur einen Kilometer vom Zentrum entfernt, macht diese Immobilie zu einer echten Gelegenheit auf dem Markt.

Energetski sertifikat zgrade

Energetski sertifikat u pripremi

Slični oglasi

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