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Kuće samostalna kuća, Splitsko-dalmatinska žup., Marina, Vinišće

  • Prodaja
  • Novo
  • 1.430.000
  • 229 m²
  • 2024


Podatki o novogradnji

Kuće samostalna kuća
Šifra oglasa
229 m²
571 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Zaljev Vinišće - Skriveni hrvatski dragulj
Moderno naselje prve klase sa šest luksuznih vila s spektakularnim pogledom na more u zelenoj idili, na manje od 5 minuta hoda od netaknutih plaža i samo 1 minutu hoda s šarmantnog gradskog trga.

Kako bi se sačuvala arhitektonska tradicija ovog izvanrednog mjesta, puno je fokusa bilo na vanjskom dizajnu projekta kako bi se uskladio s krajolikom.

U projektiranom naselju koje je u završnoj fazi gradnje je 6 Vila sa stambenim prostorom od 214 m² to 254 m², od čega su 2 prodane, a još 4 dostupne, sve imaju velike terase, bazen, te vanjski prostor za roštilj...

Značajke: visokokvalitetni drveni parket, keramičke pločice velikog formata, moderni, funkcionalni tlocrti, 6 vila (2 sa krovnim terasama), instalacija saune moguća na zahtjev - po dogovoru, energetski učinkovita gradnja (niski troškovi rada i grijanja), bez prepreka u nekretnini, dovoljno parkirnih mjesta

Međunarodna zračna luka Split udaljena je samo 25 minuta autom, ili privatnim brzim motornim plovilom u samo 12 minuta. Postoje izravni letovi za Budimpeštu, Pariz, München, Beč, London, Berlin, Ženeva, Stockholm, Helsinki i Prag.

Atraktivni dizajn u kombinaciji s visokom funkcionalnošću i kvalitetom stvara prekrasno životno okruženje.
Ovi aspekti i optimalni položaj čine stambene jedinice vrijednim ulaganjem u svoju budućnost.
Oslanjajte se na održivu i učinkovitu izgradnju s naglaskom na kvalitetu života i okoliš.

Okoliš - Slikovito selo Vinišvije sa svojom koja oduzima dah, nudi kristalno čistoću vodu i više od 2400 sati sunca godišnje u području koje je oblikovano bogatom kulturnom baštinom. Pored opsežnog asortimana vodenih sportova i opcija za jah, postoji nešto za svaki ukus na licu mjesta, bilo da se radi o tenisačima, jahačima ili jednostavno za ljubitelje vina: lokalne vinarije.

Lokacija - U Dalmatiji je obično toplije nego u Istriji ili na Kvarnerskom golfu. Od sredine do kraja rujna, možete se uroniti u kristalno plavu jadranu, s zavodljivim pješčanim plažama i šljuncima, koje su raštrkane u blizini i u daljini.
Vinišće Bay – Das versteckte Juwel Kroatiens.

Eine erstklassige Anlage mit sechs Luxusvillen mit spektakulärem Meerblick - es liegt zentral und dennoch in absolut ruhiger Lage. Man ist nur eine Gehminute vom Stadtplatz entfernt und trotzdem mitten in einer grünen Idylle mit atemberaubender Aussicht.

Um die architektonische Tradition dieses außergewöhnlichen Ortes zu bewahren, wurde sehr viel Augenmerk auf die äußere Gestaltung des Projektes gelegt, um diese in Einklang mit der Landschaft zu bringen.

Die sechs (6) Villen mit einer Wohnfläche von ca. 214 m² bis 254 m² von denen zwei (2) verkauft wurden und weitere vier (4) verfügbar sind, alle verfügen über große Terrassen, einen Pool und Grillmöglichkeiten im Freien...

Eckdaten: Hochwertiges Landhausdielenparkett (optional Fischgrätparkett), Großformatige Keramikfliesen, Moderne, funktionale Grundrisse, 6 Villen (2 davon mit Dachterrassen), Einbau einer Sauna nach Absprache möglich, Energieeffiziente Bauweise (niedrige Betriebs- und Heizkosten), Barrierefrei, Ausreichend Parkplätze

Der internationale Flughafen Split ist nur 25 Minuten entfernt, oder mit einem privaten Motorboot in nur 12 Minuten zu erreichen. Es gibt Direktflüge nach Budapest, Paris, München, Wien, London, Berlin, Genf, Stockholm, Helsinki und Prag.

Das attraktive Design in Kombination mit hoher Funktionalität und Qualität schafft ein wunderbares Wohnumfeld.
Diese Aspekte und die optimale Lage machen die Wohneinheiten zu einer lohnenden Investition in Ihre Zukunft.
Setzen Sie auf nachhaltiges und effizientes Bauen mit Fokus auf Lebensqualität und Umwelt.

Umgebung - Das malerische Dorf Vinišće mit seiner atemberaubenden Küste bietet kristallklares Wasser und mehr als 2.400 Sonnenstunden im Jahr in einer Gegend, die von einem reichen kulturellen Erbe geprägt ist. Neben dem umfangreichen Angebot an Wassersport- und Yachtingmöglichkeiten gibt es vor Ort für jeden Geschmack etwas, sei es für Tennisspieler, Reiter oder einfach für Weinliebhaber: die örtlichen Weingüter.

Vinišće Bay - La gemma nascosta della Croazia
Uno sviluppo premium di sei ville di lusso che vantano spettacolari viste sull'oceano in un idillio verde, a meno di cinque minuti a piedi dalle spiagge incontaminate e solo un minuto a piedi da una piazza affascinante.

Nel complesso di nuova costruzione si trovano 6 ville con una superficie abitabile da 214 m² a 254 m², di cui 2 vendute e altre 4 disponibili, tutte dotate di ampie terrazze, piscina e spazio esterno per barbecue. ..

Dettagli chiave: parquet della tavola di alta qualità (parquet di abopi di aringhe opzionale), piastrelle in ceramica di grande formato, planimetrie moderne e funzionali, 6 ville e 2 terrazze sul tetto, installazione di una sauna possibile per disposizione, costruzione a basso costo (bassi operatori e costi di riscaldamento ), Parcheggi senza barriere, sufficienti
L'aeroporto internazionale diviso è a soli 25 minuti di distanza o dal bacino idrico dell'aeroporto da una barca a motore privata solo a 12 minuti, con voli diretti per Parigi, Monaco, Vienna, Londra, Berlino, Ginevra, Stoccolma, Helsinki e Praga.

Il design attraente in combinazione con alta funzionalità e qualità crea un ambiente di vita meraviglioso.
Questi aspetti e la posizione ottimale rendono le unità residenziali un investimento utile nel tuo futuro.
Fai affidamento su costruzioni ecologiche ed economiche orientate alla qualità della vita e della sostenibilità.

Dintorni - Il pittoresco villaggio di Vinišće, con la sua splendida costa, offre acque cristalline e oltre 2.400 ore di sole all'anno in una zona intrisa di patrimonio culturale.
Oltre agli ampi sport acquatici e alle strutture di yachting in offerta, c'è qualcosa di locale da soddisfare i gusti di tutti, siano essi tennis, cavalieri o semplicemente i preferiti dell'amante del vino; le cantine locali.
Vinišće Bay – the hidden gem of Croatia
A premium development of six luxury villas boasting spectacular ocean views in a green idyll, less than five walking minutes from pristine beaches and just a minute’s walk to a charming town square.

In order to preserve the architectural tradition of this extraordinary location, the design proportions of the project respect the landscape. The aim was to have calm and reduced, clear structures.

In the newly built settlement there are 6 Villas with a living space of 214 m² to 254 m², of which 2 have been sold and another 4 are available, all of them have large terraces, a swimming pool, and an outdoor area for barbecue...

Key Details: High-quality plank parquet (optional herringbone parquet), Large format ceramic tiles, Modern, functional floor plans, 6 Villas and 2 roof terraces, Installation of a sauna possible by arrangement, Energy-efficient construction (low operating and heating costs), Barrier-free, Sufficient parking spaces

Split International Airport is just 25 minutes away or from airport water side dock by private motor boat 12 minutes only, with direct flights to Paris, Munich, Vienna, London, Berlin, Geneva, Stockholm, Helsinki and Prague.

The attractive design in combination with high functionality and quality creates a wonderful living environment.
These aspects and the optimal location make the residential units a worthwhile investment in your future.
Rely on ecological and economical construction that is geared towards quality of living and sustainability.

Surroundings - The picturesque village of Vinišće, with its stunning coastline, offers crystal clear waters and more than 2,400 hours of sunshine a year in an area steeped in cultural heritage.
In addition to ample watersports and yachting facilities on offer, there is something local to cater to everyone’s tastes, be they tennis players, horse riders, or simply the wine lover’s favourite; the local wineries.

Location - In Dalmatia it is usually warmer than in Istria or on the Kvarner Bay. From mid -May to the end of September you can immerse yourself in the crystal blue Adriatic, with seductive sandy beaches and pebbles, which are scattered nearby and in the distance.
Vinišće Bay – the hidden gem of Croatia
A premium development of six luxury villas boasting spectacular ocean views in a green idyll, less than five walking minutes from pristine beaches and just a minute’s walk to a charming town square.

In order to preserve the architectural tradition of this extraordinary location, the design proportions of the project respect the landscape. The aim was to have calm and reduced, clear structures.

In the newly built settlement there are 6 Villas with a living space of 214 m² to 254 m², of which 2 have been sold and another 4 are available, all of them have large terraces, a swimming pool, and an outdoor area for barbecue...

Key Details: High-quality plank parquet (optional herringbone parquet), Large format ceramic tiles, Modern, functional floor plans, 6 Villas and 2 roof terraces, Installation of a sauna possible by arrangement, Energy-efficient construction (low operating and heating costs), Barrier-free, Sufficient parking spaces

Split International Airport is just 25 minutes away or from airport water side dock by private motor boat 12 minutes only, with direct flights to Paris, Munich, Vienna, London, Berlin, Geneva, Stockholm, Helsinki and Prague.

The attractive design in combination with high functionality and quality creates a wonderful living environment.
These aspects and the optimal location make the residential units a worthwhile investment in your future.
Rely on ecological and economical construction that is geared towards quality of living and sustainability.

Surroundings - The picturesque village of Vinišće, with its stunning coastline, offers crystal clear waters and more than 2,400 hours of sunshine a year in an area steeped in cultural heritage.
In addition to ample watersports and yachting facilities on offer, there is something local to cater to everyone’s tastes, be they tennis players, horse riders, or simply the wine lover’s favourite; the local wineries.

Slični oglasi

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